Nurture your motivation

A lot of this is also applicable to writing. The point about building habits, for instance: I’m still struggling to write everyday simply because I have not yet built the habit of setting aside one hour for the activity. Similarly, if I set a realistic goal – such as writing a 1000 words everyday – or if I thought only of the joy of writing, rather than the pain of editing it all later, I feel like I could do much better.
On a side note: I’m also trying to get healthier, so this blog post really has two levels of importance for me!

Motivade - Blog

“80 percent of success is showing up.” – Woody Allen
“Impossible is not a fact. It is an attitude.” – Mohammed Ali

You have probably heard of Abraham Maslow and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Everyone has basic physiological needs like breathing, food and water that need to be satisfied first. Needs can be described as inner imbalance and the relative strength of different needs guide one’s behavior and desire for action. Needs and motives give reasons and base for certain behavior. These together form motivation.

Motivation can be considered a driving force. It is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal.  Motivation can be considered as a desire to do things. It’s the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control…

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3 thoughts on “Nurture your motivation

  1. Hi Pooja. Chanced upon your blog while I was reading one of your pieces in Helter Skelter. Some very good writing and I could relate to so many of them.
    Your previous post and this one are spot-on.
    Trust me, while balancing work (a full time Mktg job) and home and gym, I barely get time to even breathe, let alone read. If I do pick up a book, I get so distracted and I give up half way through. Not sure if this is a phase! :O
    Coming to writing, I rest my case. I am thinking of starting a blog marathon (one post a day) kinda thingie to get me into the habit of writing daily. Hopefully that should help me get back to my feet, and up & running! And yes focusing on the “joy of writing” sans the editing is a great motivator. 🙂

    • Thanks Piya! I’m glad you enjoyed the posts!
      I completely get what you say about reading and getting distracted halfway through! I often fall asleep…does that happen to you?

      • Yep, sometimes that too 🙂
        But I definitely don’t read as much as you do. Do you always buy the books you review?
        Just finished “Around India in 80 trains”, planning to get my hands on “The fabulous feminist” next. I did pick up “The Wildings” in between, I know you loved the book, somehow I struggled with it in the second half, thought t’was a tad dragging.
        Btw, if you live in Pune, is a great lending library, most of my reads are thanks to them!

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